日本ラグビーを長年支えてきた大正製薬様から、 日本ラグビー界とニュージーランド協会の発展に貢献できる機会をいただけたことにとても感謝しております。ラグビーが国技であるニュージーランドの経験や知識、そしてラグビー文化をお伝えすることにより、 日本の皆様にもっとラグビーを楽しんで頂ける環境を提供できればと思います。 大成功を収めたラグビーワールドカップ2019日本大会と大躍進を遂げたラグビー日本代表の活躍をさらに後押しし、 日本でラグビーがもっと楽しめるよう、 また、 ラグビーが日本の文化として根付くよう、 お手伝いできればと考えております。日本とニュージーランドは、 島国で、 季節はちょうど反対ですが、 四季折々の自然を楽しめるという他、たくさんの共通点があります。 ラグビーを通じて、 両国の交流が深まり、 友情を育むことができることをとても楽しみにしています。
日本ラグビーを長年支えてきた大正製薬様から、 日本ラグビー界とニュージーランド協会の発展に貢献できる機会をいただけたことにとても感謝しております。ラグビーが国技であるニュージーランドの経験や知識、そしてラグビー文化をお伝えすることにより、 日本の皆様にもっとラグビーを楽しんで頂ける環境を提供できればと思います。 大成功を収めたラグビーワールドカップ2019日本大会と大躍進を遂げたラグビー日本代表の活躍をさらに後押しし、 日本でラグビーがもっと楽しめるよう、 また、 ラグビーが日本の文化として根付くよう、 お手伝いできればと考えております。日本とニュージーランドは、 島国で、 季節はちょうど反対ですが、 四季折々の自然を楽しめるという他、たくさんの共通点があります。 ラグビーを通じて、 両国の交流が深まり、 友情を育むことができることをとても楽しみにしています。
“We are very grateful to Taisho Pharmaceutical, a long-standing supporter of rugby in Japan, for the opportunity to contribute to the development of rugby in Japan and the New Zealand Rugby Union. We are excited to share with the Japanese people the experience, knowledge and rugby culture of NZ, where rugby is the national sport, to provide an environment where Japanese people can enjoy more of the game. We hope to help further the success of Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan and the success of the Japanese national rugby team, which has made great strides, and to help make rugby more enjoyable in Japan and help it become more ingrained in Japanese culture.
Japan and NZ are both island countries, and although the seasons are just opposite, we have many things in common, such as the enjoyment of nature in each of the four seasons. We look forward to deepening exchanges and fostering friendship between our two countries through rugby.”
“We are very grateful to Taisho Pharmaceutical, a long-standing supporter of rugby in Japan, for the opportunity to contribute to the development of rugby in Japan and the New Zealand Rugby Union. We are excited to share with the Japanese people the experience, knowledge and rugby culture of NZ, where rugby is the national sport, to provide an environment where Japanese people can enjoy more of the game. We hope to help further the success of Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan and the success of the Japanese national rugby team, which has made great strides, and to help make rugby more enjoyable in Japan and help it become more ingrained in Japanese culture.
Japan and NZ are both island countries, and although the seasons are just opposite, we have many things in common, such as the enjoyment of nature in each of the four seasons. We look forward to deepening exchanges and fostering friendship between our two countries through rugby.”
New Zealand has a special connection with Japan, both on and off the rugby field. The All Blacks have a huge amount of respect for Japan’s Brave Blossoms and we love visiting Japan because of the incredible hospitality and support we always receive. Thank you to Taisho for your loyal support of rugby over a number of years, as a commercial partner of both the Japanese national rugby team and New Zealand Rugby’s national teams including the All Blacks.”
New Zealand has a special connection with Japan, both on and off the rugby field. The All Blacks have a huge amount of respect for Japan’s Brave Blossoms and we love visiting Japan because of the incredible hospitality and support we always receive. Thank you to Taisho for your loyal support of rugby over a number of years, as a commercial partner of both the Japanese national rugby team and New Zealand Rugby’s national teams including the All Blacks.”